Morning Yoga with Amanda 05-26-22
Wake up with this slow flow and mobilize you upper back and neck in this gentle practice. Enjoy it? Participate live on Thursday mornings. #SASLife
Morning Yoga with Amanda 5-12-22
Rise and shine and warm up your spine, hips, and hamstrings in this gentle flowing practice. Enjoy it? Join us live on Thursday mornings in the studio or on Zoom! #SASlife
Yoga for Stress Relief and Resilience with Rebecca on 04-25-22
Enjoy 45 minutes of gentle yoga that will help you balance effort and ease on and off the mat. #saslife
Spring Gentle Flow with Pam on 04-25-22
Flow with the breath in a sequence that lengthens the hamstrings and invites space into the shoulders and spine. Linger in savasana to feel restored from the inside out. Optional props: blanket & strap
Spring Gentle Flow with Rebecca on 04-11-22
This spring inspired class encourages you to practice rooting, rising, and going with your own flow.
Spring Gentle Flow with Amanda on 04-04-22
Practice uniting body, mind, and breath as you slowly flow from pose to pose in this spring inspired sequence. #saslife
Gentle Yoga Flow with Pam on 2-28-22
Join me on the mat as we cultivate a sense of space and mindfulness with this 45-minute Gentle Flow practice.
Gentle Flow Yoga with Ryan on 2-21-22
Using Table Pose as your base, follow this Gentle Flow to open your hips, shoulders and spine in this 45 minute class.
Gentle Flow Yoga with Amanda on 2-14-22
Practice loving-kindness to your body in this gentle, full body flow followed by a sweet loving-kindness meditation.
Gentle Flow Yoga with Rebecca on 1-31-22
Shift your perspective as you flow gently through movements to mobilize your hips and spine. #saslife
Gentle Flow with Cheryl on 2-7-22
Flow with your breath through a seated sequence that releases tension in the shoulders and spine before creating warmth and space is a few standing poses. #saslife
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