Yoga Nidra with Kasey on 3-23-21
Join Kasey for this 10-minute "sleep time" guided experience that guarantees to promote a blissful night's sleep. #saslife
Join Kasey for this 10-minute "sleep time" guided experience that guarantees to promote a blissful night's sleep. #saslife
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Sleep is an essential component to maintaining overall health and wellness. Join Celeste Cooper-Peel for this seminar and learn about the circadian rhythm, why we sleep, the importance of rest and the impact that poor sleep has on health. #saslife
Sleep, Health and Well-Being - Part 2 (5-18-21)
In part 2 of our Sleep Set, it’s all about lifestyle! You’ll learn how to determine daily disruptions that hinder sleep and you'll discover ways to reset your circadian rhythm and dive into specific strategies to find your bliss. #saslife
Breathing Lessons with Celeste on 9-19-21
Find calm and your breath! Allow each breath exchange to surrender you into a deep, restful night's sleep. #saslife