Breathing Lessons with Celeste on 9-22-21
Lie down and notice the breath and gravity. Walk your way through your body, inviting the breath to release tension and concerns. #saslife
Lie down and notice the breath and gravity. Walk your way through your body, inviting the breath to release tension and concerns. #saslife
Related videos for "breathe"
5-Minute Meditations with Celeste on 7-2-21
Just breathe is today's caption. We often aren't aware of the pace, depth and quality of our breaths. Sit back, close your eyes and simply breathe. #saslife
All Levels Yoga with Rebecca on 2-16-2022
Tap into the supple and the strong as we honor the winter element of water. We'll flow with breath, and take ample time to slow down and breathe. A blanket or towel is recommended.
Yoga Flow with Pam on 9-27-21
This practice includes typical yoga flow poses such as Warrior 2, Triangle and Side Angle and links breath to movement. Flow with your breath as you bring openness and a quiet energy to the body. No props needed; just a mat.