Building Healthy Habits - Strategies 2023
Healthy Habits focuses on stress relief and relaxation, sleep, nutrition and movement. For 2023, the Healthy Habits team has curated their top resources and have provided a webinar looking at strategies for making change last. #saslife
Healthy Habits focuses on stress relief and relaxation, sleep, nutrition and movement. For 2023, the Healthy Habits team has curated their top resources and have provided a webinar looking at strategies for making change last. #saslife
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Sleep, Health and Well-Being - Part 1 (5-11-21)
Sleep is an essential component to maintaining overall health and wellness. Join Celeste Cooper-Peel for this seminar and learn about the circadian rhythm, why we sleep, the importance of rest and the impact that poor sleep has on health. #saslife
Breathing Lessons with Celeste on 9-19-21
Find calm and your breath! Allow each breath exchange to surrender you into a deep, restful night's sleep. #saslife