Simply Stretch with Pam
Total body stretching focusing on back, hips and hamstrings. Grab a mat, towel or blanket for cushioning.
Spring Serenity Yoga and Meditation
Awaken spring and invite serenity with this practice focused on grounding, calming union of breath and body and a guided meditation. #saslife
Feet & Hip Love
Enjoy a short myofascial release and mobility sequence to prepare yourself for your next walk, run, or favorite workout activity! #saslife
2023 Celebration Strategy
Don't let special occasions get the best of you. Have a celebration strategy to keep yourself on track. #saslife
Recycle Thoughts and Behaviors
Learn how to navigate through recycling old thoughts and behaviors to maintain weight loss. #saslife
Recognize, Respond and Reframe
Learn how to beat the automatic thought cycle that can sabotage new habits. #saslife
Micro Habits
Learn how micro habits and smart goals can help you make sustainable lifestyle changes. #saslife
Lifestyle Management Nutrition Overview
Discover realistic nutrition strategies for lifestyle management. #saslife
Mindful Eating for Lifestyle Management
Learn the principles of paying attention to your eating experience without judgement. #saslife
Four Pillars of Lifestyle Management
Learn about the Lifestyle Management program designed to help you overcome overweight and obesity. #saslife
Building Healthy Habits - Strategies 2023
Healthy Habits focuses on stress relief and relaxation, sleep, nutrition and movement. For 2023, the Healthy Habits team has curated their top resources and have provided a webinar looking at strategies for making change last. #saslife
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