Essential Oils for Everyone - Week 3
In this video, you'll learn about varied carrier oils to use with your essential oils. We'll also look at what a day of essential oil use can look like, notes of oils when using combinations as well as quick recipes to use. #saslife
Essential Oils for Everyone - Week 2
This week we'll explore labels which are key to identifying if your essential oil is synthetic or real. We'll also discuss dilutions, special populations and dilutions which can be found in the handouts for those registered for the series. #saslife
Essential Oils for Everyone - Week 1
This is week one of the Essential Oils for Everyone series. We'll look at the history of essential oils, extraction methods, what to look for and labels. For those registered, you will receive handouts that support the weekly theme. #saslife
Sleep, Health and Well-Being - Part 2 (5-18-21)
In part 2 of our Sleep Set, it’s all about lifestyle! You’ll learn how to determine daily disruptions that hinder sleep and you'll discover ways to reset your circadian rhythm and dive into specific strategies to find your bliss. #saslife
Sleep, Health and Well-Being - Part 1 (5-11-21)
Sleep is an essential component to maintaining overall health and wellness. Join Celeste Cooper-Peel for this seminar and learn about the circadian rhythm, why we sleep, the importance of rest and the impact that poor sleep has on health. #saslife
Trainer Talk - Exercise Over 40
This week our trainers discuss considerations for our aging population, targeting those over 40.
Trainer Talk - Healthy Lifestyle
Let’s talk about healthy habits, how to make them, and things you can do right this very minute to feel better and re-energized.
Trainer Talk - Endurance
This week Amanda, Jenn, and Mitchell talk about how to stay healthy and avoid overtraining. These guidelines can be applied to endurance training or strength/hypertrophy programs.
Trainer Talk - Strength & Hypertrophy
Join Mitchell, Peter, and Ryan for a discussion about how to progress a strength or hypertrophy program, exercise selection, and more!
Body Conscious
If you've struggled to accept the reflection in the mirror this seminar is for you. We'll explore how the media affects body image and discover new perspectives on what it means to be embodied. #saslife
Metabolism - What Drives You
Most of us have heard the word metabolism and have a vague sense that we want it to go faster, but that’s where our understanding ends. Join Ryan Wands and learn what metabolism is, strategies for creating change and so much more. #saslife
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