Yoga Challenge with Ryan on 12-15-20
A flow to challenge hips, hamstrings, and core. From skandasana, to pigeon, to reverse crunches, follow your breath and challenge yourself to stay still in these poses. #saslife
Yoga Challenge with Amanda on 12-10-20
Flow through Standing Split, Warrior III and Half Moon in this hip stability and core focused practice. Have some fun twisting into boat and hopping into plank. Guaranteed to make you sweat, Savasana will be all the sweeter at the end! #saslife
Yoga Challenge with Kasey on 12-8-20
Move through this fluid 60-minute challenge flow that embraces the core, balance and strength. #saslife
Yoga Challenge with Pam on 12-3-20
This challenge practice begins with an emphasis in the initial warming moves and standing sequence on spine and core to prepare for the challenging floor sequence. No equipment needed, just a mat.
Yoga Challenge with Celeste on 12-01-20
This 45-minute class is a fluid flow that allows you to build your class with modifications or advanced poses. #saslife