Circuit Training with Lisa on 2-2-21
This is a great 45-min total body workout consisting of 7 circuits. Each circuit is made up of four 1-minute segments (cardio, lower body strength, upper body strength and core) with a 15 second transition time. Dumbbells and a mat are used. #saslife
This is a great 45-min total body workout consisting of 7 circuits. Each circuit is made up of four 1-minute segments (cardio, lower body strength, upper body strength and core) with a 15 second transition time. Dumbbells and a mat are used. #saslife
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Circuit Training with Mitchell Live Recording on 3-9-21
A 45-minute class that hits the entire body! The format is 1 minute of work followed by 20 seconds of rest. You’ll need a mat, dumbbells, and a band.
Circuit Training with Ryan on 4-13-21
Bring a towel and get ready to sweat with minute stations covering the whole body! #saslife
Circuit Training with Peter on 5-18-21
Keep pushing your limits, alternate from 1 minute of cardio, followed by three 1 minute strength exercises targeting upper body, lower body, and core. Dumbbells and water bottle are required. You got this, let’s work!!